Toms, Stock And The Impractical Coat
0 comment Sunday, October 12, 2014 |
Today has been somewhat of a wash - yesterday's ramble-about has resulted in me being pretty tired today and not willing to do much. Instead, I decided to portion out the chicken I bought yesterday (discovering that cat has a distinct love of raw chicken and chicken liver in the process and he got a share) and made some stock. I used some of my own toms - the huge Hungarian Heart had ripened up very nicely, and the pear toms which had also ripened up were thrown into the stockpot. The box ripening seems to work a treat and while I don't have many tomatoes I'm at least hoping I can make a few meals with them.
Stock sorted, I made some monkfish in lime and tarragon-butter with some of the squash I got yesterday, my own onions and some bacon. Good stuff! Plenty left over of the squash to puree into a soup tomorrow with a bit of coconut milk and spices, so I'm looking forward to that. Even though I didn't have much verve to do much other than cook and sit about, I at least ate well today (remembering to eat is always an issue).
Work on The Impractical Coat continues; I should have it finished by this weekend. It's going to be rather warm by the weight of the brocade, I'm thinking, but it's really more of a dressy coat, not meant for cold weather. If I had a lick of sense I might have quilted it or put in some considerably-more weighty fabric like fleece, but that's why it's Impractical! It's pretty, though - halfway done!
Tomorrow I've got to get into town for two more necessary errands. This is my last weekend of relative silence around the house, and the Return of The Wump! And, in a scant two weeks, he's back to school to start Year 2. I still have a hard time believing I'm even typing that....
