Preparing For Year 3
0 comment Monday, June 9, 2014 |
So, child is about to begin year 3, even though I'm still facing his tribunal in November. Things will therefore be fine for about three weeks and then kick off again with lots of panicked phone calls as more and more demands that he sit down and learn in exactly the same way as everyone else backfires in a big way.
I'm also having to prepare to deal with a young boy that is growing up considerably. I found him playing rather violent games on his computer last week which horrified me...but then I'm sure his mates do the same. I banned anything with too much blood then gritted my teeth when he started playing Clone Wars instead (no, he can't play Thomas any longer, I need to get with that). He's also been asking about music, and so I've ordered a smallish iShuffle for him (after actually getting my head round what an iShuffle actually is, hell I remember Walkmans!), and will show him how the MixPod site works and what to load on it, and so on.
I've been slowly updating his room to allow for his growing boy-ness; new sheets for his bed, a bigger desk, more organised shelving for his stuff. He'll need a new mattress actually now that he's stopped wetting it with such frequency, and his clothes are now reflecting an individuality as well. I allow him to make more of his own choices in expressing it - his taste in toys have changed (though his greediness hasn't, he still wants new things daily and no matter what he gets, he still wants something -MORE-).
For myself, I've ordered space-heaters so I don't freeze (I still debate just getting a chimney sweep to come in and I'll have an open fire if I really needs must), a oven cleaner to give the oven its annual clean, take the serger and sewing machine in for servicing as the winter is my usual sewing time, and bulbs and so on for planting. I've a winter garden to start and looking forward to doing it, and may do some more crochet work as well. There's embroidery to do as I need more tea towels and reading and final garden tidies. Autumn bulbs to plant and squash to buy to last me through the winter season for soups and roasts..
I can feel the autumn in the air as I plot and plan to paint more rounds for the holiday season, make some soap and bathbombs this weekend (some for sale, some for self, I haven't made soap in so long it's scary!). I want to have one week out with child before he goes back to school, one last just-us time of having fun and games before we have to prepare ourselves for the school year and all the other stuff that looks like it's going to hit toward year's end. I just have a feeling I need to gird the loins again.
Bunking down and hunkering in. Then...bring it on.
