Cleaning Vs. Languishment - Who Wins?
0 comment Monday, August 11, 2014 |
El Sproggo was up at 2am, breaking up an already very broken night's sleep for me. When he finally decided to give it up around 6am, I was shattered. I grabbed two hours' sleep and then got up to get him ready to be packed off to his father's house. It's currently about 9:40 and my plans to go to do some housework look to be well and truly scuppered for the time being as I am DESPERATE for some sleep.
Still, I've got all day and most of the night to do my tidying in. I can order a takeaway. I can stay up long as I like. The day is mine and so is tomorrow, so I'm going to make the most of it. And if that means cramming three weeks of recovery into a few hours of snooze time, surrounded by Halloween Cats, then I think I'm entitled.
And so, to bed!
UPDATE: Kittens conspired to keep me awake so I gave it up, cleaned the bathroom, got some rubbish gathered up and thrown in the (still unemptied - where is my rubbish assistance service???) bins and then ate lunch, had a short film. Batch of soap made - nearly croap but managed to save it - and now having another rest for a bit whilst I figure out what else I should do today. However as kits are now calming down I'm wondering if it's worth grabbing a powernap or whether I should just stay up now and have an early bedtime.
Latter wins. In that case, more laundry to sort out.
