Can I Just Give A Thank Ya!
0 comment Monday, June 30, 2014 |
I am not a patient at Bath Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases yet but thanks to their close connections to Lupus UK and the specialists they have on hand who know what a nightmare the illness can be, the hospital is doing their best to get me in to see them, even going so far as wanting to speak to my GP directly (or at least my surgery) to convince them that in this particular instance it would be best to be treated at a specialist centre.
Western Lupus UK has been amazing as well; I'm a total stranger and yet when I first talked to the contact on the phone, I just burst into tears (something I rarely do). So sympathetic and so willing to dig up the information for me as they've done this walk through fire before me.
This is really heartening news as the amazingly clueless social worker came round and let me know that the LEA is not going to move my son to a special needs school. In addition, he actually said to me "Well, what would be wrong with your son walking to school?" which to my mind pretty much said EVERYTHING I needed to know about whether or not he was even remotely in touch with our needs. Short answer: no. Long answer: HELL no. I have called the Child and Family Services to ask for another social worker. Failing that I am strongly considering asking them to close the file - I've got absolutely nothing out of the whole thing and it just wastes my time.
In any event, allowing ex to fight the Tribunal battle as he loves a good argument (ahem); will try something on the Child and Families front and if that doesn't work I will consider just closing the file, and working toward trying to get another piece of the puzzle together so I can at least attempt to control the feeling-like-hell portion of my days.
